1-2-3 Sundays: Rejuvenated, Proximity & Another Ultra

1 Theme

Rejuvenated and Refreshed

Coming back from America is usually hard.

There's the time difference to deal with and the inevitable comedown from a holiday. Strangely, I didn't experience any jet lag. I managed to sleep for a bit on the flight back to the UK which left me feeling semi-refreshed when I landed back in Glasgow.

By Monday, I felt refreshed and ready to tackle the week ahead. Getting up at 5.30 am was a shock but I managed it and felt good for it.

Holidays to Florida are different to your normal by-the-pool and beach holidays because it's all go, go, go when you're at the parks.

The main goal of the holiday was to disconnect and decompress which I certainly did. It's this reason why I'm a new energy coming back.

I noticed in work this week a feeling of novelty which I haven't felt in a while. This feeling often helps when it comes to productivity due to the dopamine hit you get from doing something new or haven't experienced for some time.

2 Positive Outcomes


It's nice to have more structure back in my week.

I'm a creature of habit and I thrive when I can plan out my week then execute on it.

From training in the morning to my 10 am coffee and walk, I've enjoyed experiencing it.  

Another Ultra


I'm doing it again.

This time I'm not signing up for a race 6 months from now - it's in 2 weeks.

I put my entry in last Sunday.

You might be asking why I'm doing it again and with such little notice. A fair question.

However, I want a challenge where I am limited by time.

3 Learnings

Replicate The Environment

The race I've entered is the Run The Blades at Whitelee Wind Farm. Knowing what the surface of the trail is like and the timeframe I have to prepare I intended to run 14-16 miles this weekend.

I planned a route up the Old Kilpatrick Hills. This was my first mistake.

The high amount of rainfall on Friday meant the trail was more like a swamp.

When coming down a steep hill I landed awkwardly and hyperextended my knee. Luckily, it felt okay to carry on.

About 5 minutes later, I slipped and fell leaving scraps along my shins and thighs and a cut on my knee. I went into my pack looking for my first aid kit however I had left it in the car. Mistake number 2.  

I made the decision to turn around and go back at this point. I still managed about 9 miles which is the most I've run on the trails since the beginning of May.

The funny part is I contemplated going and running at the windfarm. I decided against it because it was double the journey time.

Next time, I know where I'll be going.

Proximity Is Power

I heard this in a podcast when I was on holiday then witnessed it in action last weekend.

We held our quarterly event in RFA which was a gym session followed by a Nandos. One of the purposes of these events is to allow everyone to connect in person and meet new people.  

At the end, a lot of people mentioned the impact of being surrounded by like-minded people.

Being close to people with a positive mindset and a desire to not settle for average rubs off on you.

American Coffee

I have to admit.

It's one thing they do right in America.

The black filter coffee is amazing.

P.S. On Saturday 8th July I'll be climbing Ben Lomond as many times as possible from sunrise to sunset (5 am to 10 pm) alongside the Ready For Anything team.

For this challenge, we've chosen to do it in aid of the Alzheimer's Society - a fantastic charity giving dedicated support and research into life-changing treatments for dementia.

You donate on my JustGiving here.

Any donations would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

Don't forget to share 🙏🏻