1 Theme

Living Space

One aspect both Aimee and I have been trying to keep on top of more than usual is having a tidy living space.  

Rather than dumping stuff in the spare room or letting the dinner table become a placeholder, we've both made a conscious effort to keep clutter to a minimum.

Having a clear space reduces the number of open loops in your brain allowing you to relax and be clear mentally.

The results of this have been a calmer mind and increased productivity.

2 Positive Outcomes

Munro Bagging

My original intention was to run up as much as I could.

It changed when the first part of the 'path' was super boggy and I could hardly find any pacing.

This was the story of the day.

It got super steep so running was not happening and then the snow started to get thicker and deeper.  

Anyway, I kept going and got to both summits - Beinn a'Chroin and An Caisteal.

Unfortunately, neither had any view at the top.  

Getting Way Out My Comfort Zone

I won't lie.

I thought it would've been easier.

The truth is, it's never easy and continually doing the easy stuff won't grow you. It's difficult for a reason and you have to be willing to push yourself out a little bit further than you normally do.

This was demanding both physically and mentally especially being there on your own.    

3 Things I've Learned

Respect The Land

I wasn't expecting there to be snow on the mountains however I was wrong.

I didn't prepare myself for the boggy terrain and the steep climbs.

The lesson learned here is to study the map and be prepared next time around

Unreal Grit And Determination

The whole purpose of running up a mountain (or attempting to) was for the following reasons:

  1. To get mega elevation, way more than I'll experience in one go on the day of the race.
  2. Build physical conditioning and unreal grit.

Going by those 2 metrics, I achieved both.

I went at my own pace which felt faster than if I was with a group and continually kept pushing myself on despite it being very tough.

Self-talk here was huge and at times it became about putting one foot in front of the other.

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One of the best ways to stop yourself from reading articles or documents when you should be working.

Install the Chrome extension and send it straight to your Kindle for reading later on.

Reduces screen time and improves productivity.

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1-2-3 Sundays: Munro Bagging, Grit & Kindle