1-2-3 Sundays: Sacrifices, Teams & Another One

1 Theme

The Hard Stuff

We all have those tasks we hate doing.

Whether it's pesky admin, difficult conversations or housework.

I've had a project in work that's dragged on for longer than it should and part of the reason is down to it being awkward and difficult.

I know I could've done it before now had I thrown all my time and energy at it but I put it down the priority list because there have been bigger issues.

Housework is another task I seriously dislike. I know it has to be done so I've made sure each day this weekend I've got it scheduled in to get done.

No excuses.

The difficult and uncomfortable tasks need doing.

You'll feel better afterwards.

It's like when you complete your hardest workout of the week. The mental win gives you a boost.

2 Positive Outcomes

Not Sacrificing What You Love

Three of my favourite parts of life:

  1. Spending time with my family
  2. Health/Fitness
  3. Eating out

As I prep for this photoshoot, I've been conscious of what I'm eating if I've gone out.

Going out on Wednesday for my brother's birthday and not just getting what I wanted from the menu was a huge mental win.

We went for an Italian and if it was any other time of the year I would've gotten a pizza. Playing this one smart I chose salmon instead. It was delicious and I still woke up the following morning being down on the scales.

Play the game smarter not harder.

Another One...

Nope, not an ultra.

A cold dip.

Shoutout to my mate Craig for coming down again for a Thursday morning dip.

Just sitting in the water as the world wakes up is a great feeling.

3 Learnings

Timetabling or Planning

I've been there.

Going through the motions of life. Turning up to the gym, training and even uni without intentionality.

It was a schedule I ruthlessly followed.

What I lacked was a strategy or roadmap to get me to where I wanted to be. Mainly, because I didn't know where that was. It was coming from a process-driven mentality rather than having a bigger goal.

Timetabling can lead you into the trap of thinking you're progressing because your making every gym session or going to every lecture.

Planning encompasses the strategic decision-making process of what, how, and when to do things.

Surface Level Focus = Surface Level Results

Building on the previous point, if you're focusing solely on ticking the boxes then the results won't be as you expect.

You can't be surprised by the results you won't get from the work you didn't do.

If you're not trying to change deep-rooted behaviours you cannot expect to change.

Fundamentally, working on your limiting beliefs is what causes change. You have to run at the problem rather than stay away from it.

Oh, and it takes time so be patient.

My Favourite Kind of Environment

Think about when you operate at your best.

What are the conditions?

For me, being part of a team pushes me harder than I can push myself. Being in the team environment forces you to raise your game because there's nowhere to hide.

You're all aiming at the same shared goal so you don't want to let them down.

The buzz I get seeing teammates push themselves only makes me want to go harder as well.

I put the Ben Lomond climb on hold. I've not decided on a new date yet however, I will be doing it before the end of the summer.

As we get further into the year, I'm contemplating changing the challenge however the premise will stay the same.

Stay tuned to find out what 👀

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