1-2-3 Sundays: Veet, Anticipation & Expertise

1 Theme
The feeling in the run-up to an event is like no other.
You're thinking about it a lot of the time. Daydreaming about it becomes part of your routine. There's nothing wrong with this either - being excited is a great feeling.
The other side of the coin is we can become distracted by the impeding excitement, forgetting about what needs to be done in the meantime.
Take going on holiday as an example. As it gets closer and closer we get a bigger buzz each time it enters our conscious minds. The last couple of days of work before logging off for a week can often become a drag as our motivation to work isn't there.
I experienced this during the week.
With the photoshoot happening on Saturday and me taking Friday off to get everything sorted, I could feel myself counting down the days, thinking to myself "You just need to get through this day and there's only 1 left".
Instead of downing tools and resigning to "fuck it" mode, I reminded myself of the picture- what are my responsibilities when I'm at work? I want to give them my best and whole attention.
This allowed me to park thoughts of the 'shoot and bring my attention to the present moment. I could deal with what actually mattered than the hypotheticals in my head.
Plus, it helps the rest of my team too. I have a duty to them as well.
2 Positive Outcomes
Your Support Team
The most important of any journey in life.
The people closest to you give you the support you need.
What's even better is being able to reciprocate. This is only going to elevate everyone involved and drive beyond what you thought capable.
Having the right support team is going to decide the rate at which you reach the destination.
Peak Physique
It's finally here!
The photoshoot experience from prepping to the low carb/calorie days was an incredible learning curve.
Being able to go on this journey with others though made it even better. Seeing the progress everyone made over the course was insane.
Pics coming soon!
3 Things I've Learned
You're Your Best Expert
I finished another of Ross Edgely's books this week - The World's Fittest Book.
It covers his journey of discovery into the world of health and fitness, meeting with many experts across a large number of sports.
In the end, Ross summarises his findings into his own principles. One of which is "You're Your Best Expert".
Your biological response to a stimulus is probably very different to mine. What works for you isn't the same as me. That's good.
You know your body and mind best. What works and what doesn't.
I like to think of expertise as experienced practice in a given field rather than someone who's mentally more advanced. Anyone can regurgitate scientific papers to fit a narrative.
Experiment on yourself and learn about yourself.
On Leading
Leadership is hard.
You put yourself out there for criticism. You're the person who people look up to. You take on the responsibility of driving towards success for yourself and the team.
I ask myself the question "what would a leader you follow look like?" to help me be the leader I'd want for myself.
For me, leading by example is worth more than the screaming and shouting we often associate with leading.
NBA legend Chris Bosh on LeBron James in training after a heavy loss:
That’s what a leader does. It’s not just hyping the team up when you’re winning and everything is comfortable. A leader shows composure when others would fall apart. LeBron didn’t need to say anything to get us fired up — he just needed to set the example and trust that we would follow him. And we did.
I wrote in-depth on leading last year which you can check out here.
Veet, Exfoliating and Body Butter
Guys, take note here.
Girls, why have you not told us to do this before? Or did we just not listen?
Anyway, my skincare this week looked like the following:
- Exfoliating from the neck down - I've been using Sanctuary Body Scrub.
- Moisturizing after washing - again, Sanctuary Body Butter.
- Full body hair removal 2 days before my spray tan - Used Veet for this.
- Spray tan on Friday.
I was a little sceptical at first. So I dived head first in and followed the plan.
Removing the hair from my arms and legs for the first time felt weird (it still does) however it's sooo smooth.
I'll be sticking to this routine for the foreseeable.
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