1-2-3 Sundays: Organisation, Experience & Calisthenics

1 Theme
Planning & Organisation
I've been covering for my boss this week at work. This presents the challenge of balancing the progression of my own projects and managing the team.
Fortunately, I've got some experienced heads working beside me for guidance.
They've been great when it comes to decision-making - the nature of the job means every decision can impact end-of-line yield and revenue.
Ensuring I know what I'm doing each day and when I'm doing it has been critical - my time-managemet had to be on point.
Extra meetings have filled up my calendar meaning the time I would usually have to complete tasks is no longer there.
This could be seen as a negative however Parkinson's Law has kicked in.
Parkinson’s Law is the adage that work will expand to fill the time allotted for its completion.
Basically, more effort has to be put into tasks because there's less time to do them.
I'm not saying to give yourself extra work. Instead, being critical and realistic about how long you need to do a task is going to get it done quicker.
2 Positive Outcomes
The Compassion Paid Off
My running last week felt awful.
The legs were heavy and I couldn't seem to get any pace.
I looked at the bigger picture and realised that I had just come back from 2 weeks of being on holiday and this was perfectly normal.
I had to show myself some compassion and trust the process.
It worked.
I set a new 10 km PB on Wednesday.
My legs felt great during it and my pace was good too.
I'm on track to where I want to be going into the half marathon next week.
I've gained valuable knowledge on two fronts this week:
- Seeing the decision making that goes on at higher levels in work.
- Learning in my new role as Success Coach.
There's a cross over between them in terms of skills like communication and critical thinking.
This was also one of my biggest lessons from uni - it's not about the content but rather the skills you develop.
It's still very much a learning curve.
3 Things I've Learned
One of the most underrated aspects of our lives is being part of a community.
It's why people enjoy being part of a religious group - there's a community within it.
Finding your tribe is hard but the sense of belonging is part of the human pysche.
Calisthenics Is Hard
Being able to move your bodyweight in unusual ways is surprisingly fun.
It requires a lot of patience and core strength as well as the technique to develop as lot the movements.
I quite enjoyed hanging upside down on the rings.
Playing The Bigger Game
It's easy to dissolve into the woefulness of the news at the minute.
- Cost of living going up
- War in Ukraine
- Energy prices through the roof
However, these are often viewed in isolation and used to define our own lives. Yes, it is going to be harder to pay the bills this winter but this doesn't mean it'll always be the case.
I learned this week from a business standpoint that you have to play the bigger game. What are the consequences of actions you take now? How can your actions lead to something positive?
It's far too easy to be looking at the short-term. Looking medium and long-term are important too.
I Need Your Help
I'm on the lookout for new ideas, books to read and self-experiments to run.
If you've tried something new recently or came across a new idea then consider sharing it.
Thank you!
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