1 Theme


Whether it's a gym session, work or spending time with Aimee, I've been focussing on being present more throughout my day.

Conversations in our lives are so often dominated by the presence and distraction of phones or screens, it takes away from what we're actually saying.    

You hear but don't listen.

When it comes to the gym, you don't need to be checking messages between sets. Instead, focus on your breath and how your body feels.

Where could you be more intentional this week?

2 Positive Outcomes

Conquering Beliefs

Would you believe me if I told you during this photoshoot prep I've eaten out nearly every week?

Because I have.

It just requires awareness of what you choose and honesty with what you estimate the calories of the meal to be.

Going somewhere with the calories on the menu is going to be a huge help (even though they're probably inaccurate).  

Doing a dieting/fat loss/recomp phase doesn't have to be boring, eating the same meals everyday for weeks on end.

It's Now Peak Week

It's now the final week of prep for the photoshoot.

This week I noticed a shift in my body, feeling and looking leaner than before.

The goal this week is to flatten out, drink plenty of water and drop carb intake so come Thursday and Friday I'm responsive to increased carbs.

One final push to go!

3 Learnings

Be Explicit

Weekends are a sticking point for so many people.

I believe this is because there's not the same structure as there is during the week.

When Saturday morning comes, your morning routine gets thrown in the bin because you're not planning your day around work.

To counter this, write down you're plan for the weekend mornings the night before.

I've been doing this the last couple of weekends to make sure I'm getting up on a Saturday and Sunday with clear intentions of what I want to get done that day.  

Starting with the time you get up and the time you spend on each thing.

A typical weekend morning now looks like this:

  • Wake up, a pint of water and electrolytes
  • 10 minutes meditation
  • 10 minutes stretching
  • Shower (cold at the end) then get dressed.

This takes about 45 minutes all in but it sets me up for the day having known I've achieved something before my day has properly begun.

Oh, and I don't look at my phone until I've done this.  

Nelson Mandela's Thoughts On Communication

I read this quote from the man himself recently:

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.

It shows the power of learning a few words of a language when you travel rather than complaining when they don't speak English.  

My Biggest Regret & Realisation

In school, I've loved French.

But for some reason, I decided not to take it for Higher.

Only now do I fully regret that decision.

Whether I would've kept it up after school is a different question but it would've also given me a gateway into learning other languages too.

I always admired people's ability to switch between languages, wishing I could someday do that too.

I put the Ben Lomond climb on hold. I've not decided on a new date yet however, I will be doing it before the end of the summer.

As we get further into the year, I'm contemplating changing the challenge however the premise will stay the same.  

Stay tuned to find out what 👀

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1-2-3 Sundays: Explicit, Nelson Mandela & Regret