1-2-3 Sundays: Connection, Bandwidth & Sleep

1 Theme
Added Responsibility
This week I was presented with new opportunities at work.
I was able to go to meetings I wouldn't usually and see the decision making progress that goes on at higher levels.
The questions that were being asked thought not only of the problem at hand but the picture bigger.
It wasn't an easy week - especially in a 24/7 manufacturing environment.
I viewed it as a learning experience. What could I take away and apply to my own work on a daily basis? How could I use this thinking to progress the projects I'm working on?
Upon reflection, it's given me some new ideas for the week ahead.
2 Positive Outcomes
I've been really focused on getting good sleep this week. It's key for recovery, cognitive performance and energy levels.
Up until the start of this year, I would train in the evenings as I didn't think I could train before work.
This means going to bed earlier however it maintains the good sleeping habits already in place (screens away and book out).
It did feel awkward at first but once I got into the routine I settled in.
I feel my performance is better in the mornings too. Getting a good quality and quantity of sleep is key for this.
For those interested in sleep, check out this one from last July:

I'd also recommend reading Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker.
For the upcoming event in July, I'm part of a WhatsApp group for accountability. It's great for posting daily goals like steps, professional tasks or habits.
The greatest part of it is we all share the same goal.
The team mentality is infectious.
It keeps us going each and every day.
I've also got to speak to new people too.
Big thanks to everyone in the group for their support so far and I can't wait for it to continue.
3 Things I've Learned
Reduced Bandwidth
I've fallen in love with marathon training. It's pushed me hard. I'm totally out of my comfort zone. The mental transformation has been significant - I went from never having done a 10km before this year to a marathon in less than 6 months.
A negative side effect is reduced bandwidth in terms of my focus. My focus had been predominately on training and aspects such as writing have reduced in frequency.
Writing and Journaling
The action of writing down your thoughts, feelings, innermost desires and wild ideas is a form of self-care.
We call it journaling.
Following the thought train of our minds allows the unconscious thoughts to come to the surface. You can capture it all when you write it down.
I've been journalling for 3 years and now writing for a year.
A motivation for me to start was the experience of journaling and that writing was just a bigger and more public form of journaling.
A lot of my articles are based on personal experiences and my thoughts on them.
The only difference is I'm not putting it out there for people to see.
The main positive from that though is someone out there could resonate with it or find some inspiration.
Connection Is Key
We are social animals.
What are your biggest wins this week?
Have you learned something new?
Feel free to drop me a reply or a DM and start the conversation.