1-2-3 Sundays: Loose Ends, Marcus Aurelius & December

1 Theme
Pushing & Pulling
Some weeks you have lots on. More to balance than usual. These are weeks when prioritising becomes key to making it a success.
When this happens, knowing when to push on or pull back is not only beneficial for productivity but also for physical and mental health.
I've been pushing hard this week in my coaching role inside PLU while also on a 2-day training course at work.
I know this isn't a permanent fix so I could give 100% to both knowing I can pull back when the time is right.
This creates sustainability in your routines, habits and working patterns giving you long term gain.
2 Positive Outcomes
Loose Ends
With it coming into December, the thought of a new year makes getting those little things you've been putting off seem like a bigger priority.
Often it's the problem of them that causes us to ignore them because we know it's not always going to be simple.
They have to be done.
The satisfaction you get from it when you complete them clears space in your mind.
Forced Evolution In Action
I wrote previously about the concept of forced evolution - being in a situation where the only option is to learn and adapt.
This week there was a lot of this.
My responsibilities inside PLU this week increased with Kristian going on holiday allowing him to take some time off.
My organisation was key for ensuring I checked in with everyone and provided the best version of myself during a few 1-1 calls.
These situations are when we find out most about ourselves. They seem scary at first but knowing there's a better version of you on the other side is a strong motivator.
3 Things I've Learned
Focusing On Limits Leads To Tunnel Vision
I read an amazing quote from Marcus Aurelius this week.
Not to assume it's impossible because you find it hard. But to recognise that if it's humanely possible, you can do it too.
Seeing this made me think of times I've labelled or deemed something too hard for me.
It should be hard because if it was easy then everyone would be doing it.
Marathons, triathlons and Hyrox are tough events however look how many people complete them every year.
Rather than viewing it as too hard, it can be looked at as something you want to work towards instead.
If you constantly focus on your limits you won't be able to see past them and what possibilities there are beyond them.
The Difference Between Hearing and Listening
I've found this to be a key part of communicating with people.
Hearing is the "process, function, or power of perceiving sound" while listening is how you pay attention to that sound.
This is the main difference when someone presents an issue to you. Those with emotional intelligence will listen and be able to empathise while others will hear what the person says but not what they're actually communicating
I've been thinking about how I will approach this month, especially with upcoming social events and the holiday season.
The question to ask yourself is how do I want to end my year? Gathering momentum in the final 31 days of the year means when the New Year hits you'll have the natural psychology boost of a new calendar and what you've accumulated in the lead-up.
This is going to put you in a better place compared to viewing December as a month where you allow your standards to slip.
I'll be going on nights out and eating great food over the Christmas break but during the remaining time, I'll still be pushing hard personally and professionally.
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