1-2-3 Sundays: Focus, Time and Reading

1-2-3 Sundays: Focus, Time and Reading
Photo by Devin Avery on Unsplash

1 Theme

My Focus

I've been reflecting on my content creation journey.

I've been consistent with this newsletter for 6 weeks now.

I've lacked this consistency across other platforms such as Twitter and LinkedIn - 2 channels perfect for writing on.

I've not been consistently posting on Medium either - where I (usually) publish exclusive posts. (This link will take you to my referral page).

Why is this the case?

I've been focusing my time elsewhere.

Mainly, my job, marathon training and making sure I'm not spending all my time creating content. I want to be able to go out for dinner, be social and be present with family.

It's the ever-constant balancing act we face. What do we prioritise?

Is there an area of your life you could focus on more?

2 Positive Outcomes

My Longest Run

My marathon preparation this week included 2 runs - an interval run and a distance builder.

I did the latter on Saturday morning at it's now my longest run to date.

With peak week fast approaching, I'm proud of the change in mindset towards running I've developed since the beginning of the year.

Strangely, I look forward to getting out on a Saturday morning and getting more mileage under my belt.

Summer Weather  

We're definitely getting a glimpse of the Scottish summer this week.

I've written about how weather can affect your mood before however, it's worth emphasising.

Get outside while the weather is nice.

I've been making sure to get out for a walk every day.

3 Things I've Learned

Check Opening Times

Monday morning.

My first session in the gym since returning from my holiday.

I had everything ready on Sunday night.

My bag was made and my clothes were laid out.

I'm up at my alarm and out the door on time.

As I'm driving up to the gym I notice the car park looks suspiciously quiet.

I had the sinking feeling of something not being right.

I got to the gym at 6.30 am but it didn't open until 8.

I completely forgot it was Bank Holiday opening times.


Be Grateful For Your Time

Since I no longer was going to the gym on Monday, I had some free time.

It was too early to go to work.

I looked at the situation positively and asked myself the following question, "If I had no other responsibilities what would I do right now?".

The answer: Go for a walk.

I took a stroll down the waterfront with the fresh early morning air swirling into my face.

I was grateful for this time I now had on my hands to do what served my mind and body. Exercising before going to work increases my alertness.

Read Whatever The F*ck You Want

I love books. I love reading.

I'd like to see more people get into reading - there are numerous benefits.

I follow a few accounts across social media prompting reading (which is great).

They give you a list of X number of books to read before you reach a certain age.

These lists forgets one thing - books are not a one size fits all model.

Yes, there are bound to be those more widely read than others. But does that not make it more satisfying when you read a book you found on your own, and love it, but it has gone under the radar?

It feels special to you.

A lot of these lists are made up of heavy non-fiction books. If you don't want to read non-fiction then don't. Read novels instead.

My personal recommendation is the fantasy series Red Rising by Pierce Brown. I'm on book 4 and literally cannot put it down.

(I'm always open to book suggestions btw)

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1-2-3 Sundays: Jetlag, Norovirus & Personal Space
This week has been taken one day at a time. From travelling home to getting back to work, I’ve been taking each day as it comes this week.