1-2-3 Sundays: Success, Hot Cross Buns & Training

1 Theme
What is Success?
I've been thinking about what success is this week.
For starters, it's not the same for everyone.
Success is often placed on a job title, buying a house or the clothes we wear. For others, it's internal - satisfaction from the work you do or having nurturing relationships.
It's easy to be sucked into the societal way of thinking - success depends on material possessions and status. I have no objections if that's how you want to define success. If it brings you happiness who am I to judge?
Personally, I've been moving towards defining my success based on experiences, connections and internal satisfaction.
It's prompted me to consider what matters most, who I want to be and the behaviours I am to have.
Another way to look at success is through your values. Do they align?
Success can also be measured differently in each aspect of our lives whether that be socially, financially or emotionally. The definitions in these areas may be different too.
What does success mean to you?
2 Positive Outcomes
Training In a New Gym
I'm always willing and looking to try new and different gyms.
I went to the most unique one in Glasgow this week - The Sanctuary Gym.
It's in an old church building.
The walls are white with black accents. It's stunning.
The organ has been left in place which makes it even cooler when you're working out and your eye catches it.
The equipment is high quality as well.
If you're unsure of trying a new gym, it's like any other time you go somewhere new for the first time - going with a friend makes it easier.
Community Health & Wellbeing
This week sees the launch of the 2nd issue of Wholesome Magazine - Renfrewshire's local Health and Wellness magazine.
I was lucky enough to meet up with Martin & Laura from Wholesome at the turn of the year and chat with them about featuring in this latest issue.
It came out this past Friday (1st April) and you find them here.
A printed copy of the magazine will also be available at various local businesses around Renfrewshire.
3 Things I've Learned
Hot Cross Buns
I've been getting in the Easter mood lately.
To increase my daily carbs I've looked about trying something new. While I still have bagels most days, I wanted a change.
Enter the hot cross bun.
It's perfect either pre or post-workout.
They're also fairly low in fat (unless you go for the triple chocolate ones)
My favourite is Aldi's Specially Selected Bramley Apple & Cinnamon toasted with some peanut butter.
The Clocks Changing
The clocks changing this past week threw me off.
I struggled to get to sleep on Sunday night despite going through my usual pre-sleep routine.
I had hill sprint planned for the morning.
I made the decision to take the extra time in bed. My circadian rhythm was already out of sync so best to get the best possible quality and quantity of sleep I could.
Instead of moving the sprints to later in the day, I came home and did some stretching instead.
It's okay to miss a session.
Go Small to Go Big
When you're adding weight to the bar for big lifts, it's often tempting to add big plates.
This can lead to ego lifting. Instead, go small and you'll be able to go big over the long term.
You don't need to sacrifice your form doing this.
Over the long term, it leads to more strength gains.
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