1 Theme
Manage This Over Time
Reducing my caffeine intake has been eye-opening.
My recovery and sleep have definitely improved for sure. Overall, I feel less anxious and stressed throughout the day.
Another positive aspect I've noticed is how I manage my energy.
I feel like this is the whole reason why I wanted to decrease how much caffeine I have - better energy.
During the day, I don't feel the coffee comedown and at night I feel tired and ready to go bed for a quality night of sleep.
2 Positive Outcomes
Back In The Studio
Yes, round 2 of the RFA coaches podcast will be coming shortly.
I was waaaay less nervous for this one.
Probably because I never had 2 coffees beforehand like the first time.
Getting Asked Better Questions
To grow you have to experience uncomfortable emotions and experiences.
One way of doing this is by asking yourself questions that make you think deeper.
I think a lot of people are scared to answer them because it shines a light on the life they're leading and how I might now be in line with what they value.
They find it hard to accept the position they're in and that they may need to work hard to get to where they actually want to be.
I know when I get asked these type of questions, it's coming from a place of care and accountability. Not to trip me up but to continue to push me towards being a better person.
I'm grateful for that.
3 Learnings
Being Rather Than Doing
The last few weeks I've noticed myself drifting towards a state of doing rather than being.
What I mean by this is that I've been following the process and ticking the boxes, crossing off items on a to-do list.
The issue with such lists is that they take you away from who you want to be. Those items may contain tasks that don't resonate with who you see yourself as.
In fact, you might not even be fully aware of why you're doing them in the first place.
I've realised that this coming week is about doing what gets me closer to who I want to be.
This comes from asking myself deeper questions like:
- Am I behaving in line with the person I want to become?
- What actions can I take that get me there?
- What have I been avoiding that will actually benefit my overall growth?
The Only Pie You Should Eat Regularly
When you're ready to sit down and have this, you have to go in with an open mind.
Because it's not the tastiest and it can actually leave you feeling out of sorts afterwards.
Humble Pie.
The first time I got was when myself and Ryan took on the Glentress Half Marathon thinking it would be a breeze because it was only a half marathon.
However, it was the longest and most elevation we'd done at that point in our training and we both came away with a newfound respect for running up hills.
I got it again this week.
After recording the podcast, myself and Kristian got a big conditioning workout in.
I really struggled with the pace of the running and my legs felt like bags of sand.
Beforehand I thought I could take this on with little to no problem (of course I knew it would be hard).

My legs blew up and I found it difficult to run as fast as I knew I could.
Rather than let it sit and fester, I made sure I gave everything I could in the other parts of the workout.
Learn From Those A Few Steps Ahead
What this workout taught me the most is I have to train with more people who are further ahead of me in the Hyrox style of training.
I can't expect myself to suddenly be a top 10 athlete after only 12 weeks of training for my first one.
Managing my expectations is key. I didn't expect myself to be running crazy times in my marathon, did I?
Yes, I am fitter now but I do have to remember that I haven't done this before. It's all a learning experience.
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Speak soon!