Level Up Your Mindset And Reach Your Potential With These 3 Books

At some point, you’ve probably felt demotivated.
You could be in a rut. You could have no idea where you’re going or find making a change too hard.
Conversely, things could be going well however you feel like you’re coasting along knowing you have the potential to get to a higher level.
For example, my strength training has been going well over the last year or so. I have built muscle and gained strength however I wasn’t wholly satisfied. I knew I had the ability to get to the next level.
I needed a spark to ignite the fuel inside me to push me on to the next level. I outsourced this by getting a coach. In many ways, a coach is like a book. They both have knowledge that you don’t but wish to learn. They both give you examples of success stories and what actions they took.
Coincidentally, my coach recommended me a book (I’ll mention it later). It has been useful in getting my mindset to the place where it needs to be for me to achieve my goals — trail running and building my writing skill.
A book is only successful in changing your mindset if you take action on it.
This obviously means one person's favourite book could have been complete rubbish to someone else. That’s okay. If anything, it’s actually nice to see someone read a book and for it to have an impact on their life. Especially if it's someone who claims to not be a reader.
You might not even need to read a self-help or self-development book to find the spark you desire. It could come from a character in one of your favourite novels. What did they do that made them special? What did they tell themselves to get what they wanted?
We are the main character in the story of our own lives. Take a step back and ask yourself, what would you want the character to do next if this was a book? That is often the hardest question we can ask ourselves.
The 3 books that have made me rethink my beliefs and mindsets are as follows:
Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday
In the second book from Holiday looking into the principles of Stoicism, we are taken on a journey of aspirations, success and failure. While working for American Apparel, he witnessed the implosion of the company and those around him. Many of which he deemed successful.
He defines ego as:
An unhealthy belief in your own importance. Arrogance. Self-centered ambition.
Holiday explains we have aspirations that lead not only to success but adversity. This creates new ambitions leading again to success and more adversity. The cycle continues on and on.
Can we escape or break this loop? Three key points from the book make this a possibility. Living with purpose, not passion, always being a student and taking action rather than talking and thinking.
The first of those three is a concept that I believe everyone should consider at some point in their life. Whether it is in relation to big goals or the little annoying habits you can’t seem to kick. For me, I asked why do I train hard other than to feel good. My answer, I want to be able to go into unknown situations and be able to hold my own.
I also asked myself, why do I write? To pass on what I’ve learned to someone else who may need it. I also want to connect with other writers who have different ideas from my own.
This book has helped me question my inner desires, behaviours and limiting beliefs. It’s made me realise what I actually want to work towards.
It also taught me to remain grounded and control the ego during stressful and adverse situations.
Finally, there’s always someone with more knowledge than you. Be keen to learn no matter your skill level.
Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins
The ultimate motivation and mindset book.
Goggins’ story is one of pain and suffering but also immense triumph despite the horrors and difficulties he experienced in his childhood.
The book covers his journey from his abusive father and racism growing up to going through 3 hell weeks while completing his Navy SEAL training.
Goggins lays out challenges at the end of each chapter for you to undertake and help achieve your goals and aspirations.
To push me past my limits I decided to “get comfortable being uncomfortable” — one of the challenges. Initially, this meant doing dishes or housework. It now means running for longer than last week or doing those tasks I’ve avoided.
When I’m running and begin to tire, I remember another important rule from Goggins — we tend to give up at only 40% of our maximum. His mantra is to keep going past this point as there’s still a lot left to give.
This small but significant mindset shift can see you go past what you believed was possible.
I recommend listening to the audiobook version of this. It’s more like a podcast/radio show with inputs from Goggins himself at various points throughout the book.
You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero
This is a simple and easy read. It’s a funny and cheesy self-help book. Anyone can read this and take something from it. This was recommended (and gifted) to me by my coach. Thanks man!
The main crux of the book is that you have self-limiting beliefs. There are no exceptions. We all have them.
We are run by our subconscious minds and the beliefs stored there. Unfortunately, we are completely oblivious to this fact.
A concept introduced in the book is The Big Snooze (BS). Essentially, this is the part of you that aims to keep you in your comfort zone and in a state of fear. It seeks external validation. It is the part of you that plans your downfall. For example, the voice that says stay cosy and warm in bed rather than go out a run.
Conversely, your non-BS self is who you truly are without the control of your subconscious. It seeks internal validation. It wants to create a reality based on the limitless potential you have within you. It can only be done once you have woken from your Big Snooze.
To do so, you must be relentless in the pursuit of getting away from your Big Snooze. You will be questioned by those close to you while they dose in their own Big Snooze.
Self-love is another key aspect of the book. It’s shouldn't be overlooked. If you can’t love yourself for who you truly are then no one else will be able to either.
Combining self-love with disregarding what other’s think of you is the key to success and awakening from the Big Snooze.
Gratitude is another powerful tool mentioned and is very, very powerful.
Giving is one of our greatest joys — Jen Sincero
I’ve been noting 3 things I’m grateful for daily and noticed my overall happiness levels go up. Small compliments or a smile to the barista can go a long way. It’s free to say “Have a great day!”.
Whether you’re looking to get into reading this new year or looking for some inspiration, these books can help put you on the right path.
Sometimes your mindset can change with only a small part of a book. One concept mentioned briefly could be enough for you to see what needs to be done to level up.
Make this the year of your mindset.
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