I'm Back

Happy New Year and welcome to the first 2023 edition of the blog.

Since March 2022 I've posted every Sunday with the intention of sharing my experiences and what I've learned along the way. I hope there's been one thing you've been able to take away.

I'm going to do this week slightly differently than usual and give a round-up of 2022 and what's ahead for 2023 and something to remember as we start the new year.


The year of challenging limiting beliefs.

  • Stopped telling myself I wasn't a runner.
  • Ran my first 10 km trail run.
  • Completed the Edinburgh marathon.
  • Got into the shape of my life for a photoshoot.
  • Committed to producing a newsletter every Sunday.

I also was fortunate to travel and go on adventures.

  • New York
  • Crete and Tenerife
  • Krakow
  • Overnight stays around Scotland
  • Ben Nevis, Beinn Narnain and Beinn Ìme

Professionally it has been a success too.

  • Stepped up and covered as section head for my boss.
  • Became Head of Client Success in Project Level Up.

In summary, it was a year of growth and continually pushing myself out of my comfort zone. I intend to do the same in 2023.


This year is about building on the foundations set the previous year.

  • Complete a 50 km trail ultra marathon.
  • Continue to grow this blog by becoming a better writer.
  • Build on my coaching skills (leadership and communication).
  • Continuous professional development both technically and in soft skills.

The adventures won't stop either. I've already got some planned.

  • Lille in February
  • Fort Augustus in May for the ultra
  • Florida in June
  • Plus overnight stays in Scotland

I'm ready and raring to go.

The Power Of One Week

The festive period was a great time. Spending time with family and friends, relaxing and recharging the batteries after a strong finish to the year.

One week off wasn't going to ruin all the progress I made.

I knew that.

I took time away from my usual routine.

One week off wasn't going to kill the progress made across a year.

One week back into a routine and back at previous standards highlights this.

Simples changes this week like being mindful of what I'm eating, hydration and powering down at night have meant the energy levels are back up to what I was operating pre-festive period.

Give yourself one week to get the momentum back.

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