It's a short one from me this week.

Yesterday I completed Run The Blades 50k.

And if I'm being honest, I feel cognitively fried.

Signing up 3 weeks ago meant I had a sup-optimal prep. What helped was the conditioning and engine I built up earlier in the year training for Ultra X.

Why did I sign up for this?

  • I wanted to test myself physically and mentally.
  • Had I maintained the running efficiency from earlier in the year?
  • Would my mind be able to take me through the inevitable visit to the pain cave?

The answers to both those questions exceeded my expectations.

As always, I learned about myself on the trail.  

I'm going to be breaking the event down in more detail next week so keep an eye out for that.

Right now, it's about enjoying the feeling of accomplishment, recovering and looking towards what's next.

Speak to you soon!  

I put the Ben Lomond climb on hold. I've not decided on a new date yet however, I will be doing it before the end of the summer.

You donate on my JustGiving here.

Any donations would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

Don't forget to share 🙏🏻

Initial Post Ultra Thoughts