10 Workout Tips for Desk Workers

Maximise your efficiency in the gym while maintaining performance at work.
Desk workers can often lead a very sedentary life. Sitting in front of a computer all day on calls, with little time in between. Working from home has reduced commuting to going from the bedroom to the kitchen table. It’s important to not let our whole lives become sedentary. We need to move. Whether that be running, strength training, playing a sport or simply going long walks.
I’ve tried many different workout variations. From bro splits to HIIT and pretty much everything in between. I’ve balanced training for international martial arts competitions and endurance events. My newest challenge is maintaining my performance at work while increasing my strength. Here are the 10 best tips I’ve learned so far.
1. Compound Exercises
A compound exercise is one in which multiple muscle groups are worked at the same time. The big three being: bench press, squat and deadlift. An unsupported shoulder press and row variation are also excellent exercises to include in workouts. These five will target pretty much every muscle in your body and are a staple of my workouts.
Using compound lifts also helps to maximise the time you spend in the gym reducing the need for isolation exercises. Placing them at the start of the session means you can do them while still fresh, leading to bigger lifts.
2. More Back Please
Everyone has probably seen the guy in the gym with a massive chest, shoulders and arms but lacks in the back department. His shoulders might be slightly rounded too. Don’t neglect to train the muscles you can’t see. Male or female. Working on back strength and growth can lead to the appearance of a smaller waist.
Additionally, a workout on your upper back can help improve your posture and reduce the likelihood of rounded shoulders. High pulling exercises such as a chest-supported row, face pull and band pull aparts are great for targeting the upper back.
3. Workout Planning
I’ve spoken about this in a previous article in which I mentioned planning what days to go to the gym in advance. This tip builds on that. Plan what exercises you’re going to do beforehand. This saves you time in advance so you won't need to think of what to do next. To take this to the next level…
4. Track Lifts
I’ve only started properly tracking lifts in the last 9 months or so. Beforehand, I would take a mental note to try and remember for the next time I was there. Inevitably, there were times where I forgot. Bad idea. I now use an app called Strong which has a huge database of exercises and allows you to track what you lift over time. Tracking lifts also allows you to ensure you are progressively overloading over time — a key concept when weight training. Adding on 1–2 reps to an exercise per week is a consistent way to ensure progress over the long term.
The same principle can be applied to other forms of exercise such as running, cycling and anything which has a metric that can be improved over time.
5. Don’t Forget About Your Heart
Get the heart rate up. Run or cycle. Row or smash the punchbag. These are all great ways to get your heart rate up and get your cardio in. If you’re like me and live in a country where it rains often (that’s Scotland by the way) walking on the treadmill at an incline is a great option too!
If you don’t enjoy doing cardio indoors and feel monotonous doing so then getting outdoors with friends is another alternative.
Don’t forget to take the stairs as often as possible too!
6. Get A Workout Partner
Do you need some motivation or would like to do something with someone more experienced? Then getting a buddy is a great idea. You’ll motivate each other. Working out as part of a group gives you accountability
Joining a sports team works on the same principle! Find like-minded people to exercise with and you’ll enjoy yourself more!
7. Get Physical At Lunch
No, I don’t mean start fighting with co-workers. Get out of your seat and away from your desk. Walk to the furthest away toilet. Get your NEAT up.
If you’re heading out for lunch go somewhere further than usual to get some extra steps in, stimulating more blood flow throughout your body.
8. Hydrate Before You Caffeinate
On average, Americans will have 2 cups per day. A simple hack is to have a pint of water before each cup. This puts you well on target to hit a daily target of 2–3 litres. Being hydrated will help to avoid cramping during exercise and regulate body temperature.
9. Recovery and Sleep
The most important workout tip in my opinion. Getting a good night’s sleep both the previous night and the night after a workout is key. Sleep is the time where your body recovers and repairs muscle damage done while exercising. A poor nights sleep can leave you feeling fatigued when you try to work out.
10. Do Something You Enjoy
Lastly, pick a workout or plan that you’ll be able to stick to. If you can only do 3 days per week then do that and stick to it. Gradually build up to it if you have to.
There are myriad ways of exercising out which gives you the opportunity to find something you truly enjoy.
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